Thursday, November 14, 2013

Well That's a First

Something odd happened to me today.  I was sitting in a training class and somehow the topic turned to a volunteer that works at a water station during the Akron Marathon.  I made a comment and the girl next to me said "Are you a runner?"  My immediate response was "yes." 

This is the first time I have ever even considered myself a runner after running for almost a full year.  I remember after a long training run talking to a friend of mine (who runs a lot) who said to me "Of course you're a runner.  Not just anybody can go out and run 9 miles."  I laughed her off because I still didn't feel like I was a runner.  I didn't fit the mold that I had created in my mind of what a runner should look like.  It didn't really hit me until today that yeah, I am a runner!  I've worked hard to build up my mileage and train for the half marathons and other 5k races I did this year.  I may not have long legs and no boobs, but I am a runner!  Why was I not considering myself a runner???

I think we are so often our own worst enemy.  We put limitations and restrictions on ourselves.  Why do we not give ourselves credit when credit is due?  Are we afraid of what others would think if they knew we considered ourselves part of a certain group?  Do we not think we are worthy of feeling great about ourselves?  Sure it's not great to go around with a huge, inflated ego, but there is NOTHING wrong with feeling confident and successful and accomplished.    

Monday, November 11, 2013

Slug Life

So hey it's Monday.  For a few months I got used to not even caring that it was the start of a new work week.  Now that I am back on the job scene, I remember all too well how terrible Mondays can feel.  Right now I just want to curl up on the couch and take a little snooze.  However, I am going to fight off the lazy bugs and workout tonight!  BOOM!  Make it happen.  I know that afterwards I will feel so much better.  Sometimes it's just taking those initial steps to get into workout clothes.  Once you're in the gear, it's go time!  Plus as obnoxious as those motivation pins can be on Pinterest they really are true. 
You will never regret a workout. But you will always regret skipping one.
Actual pinned item from Pinterest site.  I take no credit for this photograph.  That unfortunately is not my body.

Friday, November 8, 2013

And We're Off!

Here's the deal:  I looooove food.  I love food so much I just can't seem to stop eating it.  All I want to do some days is stuff Reese's in my mouth two at a time and wash them down with a huge DMD (Diet Mountain Dew....because since it's diet it is OK right???).  When I say huge, I really mean huge.  So huge it requires grabbing the cup with both hands.  I am hoping by creating this blog and posting about my daily life I can become more accountable.  More accountable with what I eat and more accountable for making sure I exercise on regular basis. 

Since January 2013, I have lost about 30lbs.  I did this by eating relatively "clean" a majority of the time.  I also lost the weight because I started running.  I ran the Cleveland Half Marathon in May of this year and my second half in September when I ran the Akron Half Marathon.  See the thing is, I actually love working out.  I love/hate running.  I love lifting weights.  I love Tae Bo.  I just sometimes turn into a lazy slug and revert back to my fatty days where I lay around eating and wearing sweatpants all day.   Thus the reason why my weight has been a roller coaster ride since I was younger.

I am ready to get off the ride now.  I want to knock off these remaining pesky pounds and stop this cycle!  Who is with me???