Thursday, November 14, 2013

Well That's a First

Something odd happened to me today.  I was sitting in a training class and somehow the topic turned to a volunteer that works at a water station during the Akron Marathon.  I made a comment and the girl next to me said "Are you a runner?"  My immediate response was "yes." 

This is the first time I have ever even considered myself a runner after running for almost a full year.  I remember after a long training run talking to a friend of mine (who runs a lot) who said to me "Of course you're a runner.  Not just anybody can go out and run 9 miles."  I laughed her off because I still didn't feel like I was a runner.  I didn't fit the mold that I had created in my mind of what a runner should look like.  It didn't really hit me until today that yeah, I am a runner!  I've worked hard to build up my mileage and train for the half marathons and other 5k races I did this year.  I may not have long legs and no boobs, but I am a runner!  Why was I not considering myself a runner???

I think we are so often our own worst enemy.  We put limitations and restrictions on ourselves.  Why do we not give ourselves credit when credit is due?  Are we afraid of what others would think if they knew we considered ourselves part of a certain group?  Do we not think we are worthy of feeling great about ourselves?  Sure it's not great to go around with a huge, inflated ego, but there is NOTHING wrong with feeling confident and successful and accomplished.    

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